# of racks per foil wrapped pack


Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member
Lots of questions/answers about foiling ribs for transport in a cooler.

What I'd like to know (and couldn't find) was this:

How many racks per foil package?

Doing six 3 pounders (B.B.) and I'm transporting them in a cooler.

Should the racks be wrapped one rack per foil package?

Two racks per foil package?

I think it should be one per pack but I don't know. Hence the question. Cooler time will be 60-90 minutes tops.

It may not matter in the end as they will be smoked in coil-shape so only one can fit in the available foil sheet.

Still good to know the answer. Have to be able to preserve that nice bark without generating too much steam per foil pack.
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Len I think I would be more inclined to place them coiled in as small a cooler as possible, cover them with a foil pan and place towels on top of the pan. Hold them something like a brisket or PP. Never done it, just a thought. Held brisket and PP that way several times and it worked well.
One per rack, i like to double them in al. If your gonna put them in a cooler make sure to boil some water and leave it in the cooler and let it heat up. That way when you put the foiled ribs in along with the warm towel it will stay hot for awhile.
When I transport ribs in a cooler I like to wrap one at a time with foil and then wrap each individually with news paper. I also place newspaper in the bottom of the cooler and cover the wrapped ribs with more news paper.
One at a time. With six wraps going in a cooler, they will keep each other warm for a long time. I usually do 3 and hold wrapped in a big beach towel inside a normal sized cooler. Kept them piping hot for 3 hours.

