Odd injection, mop question


Paul Jenkin

TVWBB Member
I bought a bottle of my favorite snapple today, the peach iced tea. I had a crazy thought, what about using this as an injection? Then i remembered I dont have an injector, and thought about possibly using it as a mop or a base for a mop. It sounds crazy and i'm almost embarrased to ask, but does anyone have any thoughts or ideas on trying this? Stupid answers for my stupid question is ok!

Thanks all,
Paul J.
BTW for those of you who have not tried the Peach iced tea snapple, it tastes more to me like drinking peach juice, and theres hardly any tea taste at all. At least for my southern sweet tea drinking taste buds.
You try, we'll watch!!!

Although I have heard of just as uh, different, injections.

Would be interesting to know what interesting injections others have heard of.

Good luck and tell us how it goes!!!
Hey paul, doesn't much matter what we think. Peach flavors, tea overtones, a little salt, pepper, nutmeg maybe, maybe some vinegar to counter sweetness...I don't know doesn't sound off the wall to me. I'm sure you wouldn't be the first person to mop w/ tea before. As for the peach flavor, I've seen pear, apricot, grape, apple, pineapple, why not peach? Find yourself some peach wood and call it peachy pulled pork.

