Now in Doggie Heaven


Richard Garcia

TVWBB Wizard
Our Sixteen(16)Year Old doggie “Manchas” passed-On yesterday .He was a Costa Rican ex-street dog who adopted us in the year 2010. We Were so lucky to have had his loving companionship for all these fourteen(14) years.


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Sorry for your loss.

Fidelity of a Dog

The fidelity of a dog is a precious gift demanding no less binding moral responsibilities than the friendship of a human being. The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be. - Konrad Lorenz
Your so right and thanx to you and my other Forum members for your comforting comments. The Wife and I are hurting right-now but it will pass in-time and like you said we have many good memories with him.
I still look at and enjoy pics of our Duke, a black and white Boston we lost a few years back. Even though we have a brindle Boston now, each dog is always unique and with special memories.

Go do a good deed at your local dog shelter and spread some love to pups that could really benefit. It might help you destress and honor your guy.
Richard, just checking in to say hello and ask you how you are doing 🥰
Joan; the wife and I are now hurting somewhat less but we are doing our daily chores ok. His ashes arrived yesterday in a beautiful small box and also his plant which is a symbol of his life before passing-on. Thank you for your concern.


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