Nothing says "You're The Best Mom" like a Pork Puller


Earl D.

TVWBB Super Fan
Made a homemade pork puller just in time for the Mothers Day BBQ. Have wanted to make one for a long time. We can tell Mom we made it just for her. For the Mom that has everything. Nothing says I love you Mom like a Pork Puller!




My son cut out the disk with a plasma cutter and I drilled and welded. Going to season it a little like CI so it won't rust. The prongs are SS. The rest it carbon steel.
Happy Mothers day.
Awesome! My Mom likes pulled pork, but has no idea the process it takes to make it. This might look like some kind of torture device to her, so I think I will stick with pulling pork by hand when I smoke it for her.
Looks very cool! I have many DIY skills, but they don't include metal working.

But if I had one of those I would have to have a dedicated drill. I know where my drills have been!
You could always have the drill inside a gallon size zip lock bag and poke the shaft through the plastic.

