Not fanatic yet, this coming Sunday's cook - butts cut in half?


Jeff Padell

I wanted to do a couple Pork Butts this Sunday for my son's birthday party. The wife said rather than have it at 6 pm like I wanted, since I cannot start the fire until after church and going to the cemetery to visit (get home about 10 am) and I want to do 2 5 pound butts and other stuff, she said we have to have the party at 2 pm because there MIGHT be thunderstorms in the afternoon, so I have 4 hours from the time I start the fire.

a true cook would get up at 3 am to get stuff started, how many of you have done that?

I figure to do some ribs, some kielbasa and still do 1 5 pound butt and let it go until done after the party is over.

Has anyone ever cut a butt in half to say 2 1/2 pounds (a 5 is probably already cut in half right?) I would think it would cook faster but would tend to dry out, thoughts?
You can definitely cut big butts in half, like an 8-pounder into two 4-pound pieces. They will cook quicker and you'll get more dark outside meat. I would be concerned about a 2.5 pound-piece...that may be more prone to drying out. Maybe consider foiling it at some point in the process?
I am doing a 9LB right now cut into 2 right now... I cut just at the end of the bone for 1 and that makes a bigger piece and the other is a bit smaller...
Jeff, if you put the butt on at 10pm, it would be done the following morning. My guess would be between 6-7am. you could just wrap and keep in a towled cooler until your ready to prep. I've even done them a full day before, pulled after resting and kept them in the fridge in a foiled aluminum pan/lightly sauced. Reheating was done in the oven at med-low heat (275'ish) until it was heated through. Just a thought...
Perhaps consider what are known as "country-style ribs", which around here is Boston Butt cut on a bandsaw into vaguely rib-like pieces. You can cook these in 4 hrs, and as a bonus you get lots of bark.
I will go to the supermarket tomorrow and see what they have. Might see what they have at BJ's in the morning.

I was think of something like this, a 6 pound butt on the lower grate, then on the upper either Carl's country style ribs or 2 3 pound butts (wrap and hope) a couple racks of ribs and some kielbasa and maybe some chicken thighs. Will post pictures

the butt on the bottom doesn't have to finish until it is finished

