No Smoke?!?!?!?


Len Dennis

TVWBB Diamond Member
So, I had a need for some BB's but couldn't lift the WSM out of the garage to take out to the back deck (stomach surgery so couldn't lift more than 10lb). But I needed my ribs.

So I did them in my electric oven.

Although I have a probe, I didn't think I needed it as I'm such an experienced BBQ'er :wsm:

Here's what I did:

I had two nice and meaty BB racks (8 lb total). Put the usual mustard glaze on and used my favourite rub (do this exactly the same way you do it for the WSM). I did NOT put mustard or rub on the "bone" side (concave), only on the meat itself. I find that the meat tastes exactly the same by only putting the mustard/rub on the meat side.

Rolled them in a loose jelly roll


and used some skewers to hold the shape (same as cooking them on the WSM).

Put both (on their side) inside a roasting pan. Don't use the lid.

Put them in a 240oF oven and let them cook for 4 1/2hr.

Check them at the 4 1/2 hour mark as usual (the "pull apart" method to check for done'ness).

If they are ready, I'd take them out of the oven (still in the roasting pan) and put the lid on the roasting pan--ribs still inside--to keep 'em warm and put the whole shebang in the microwave (just to keep it warm. DO NOT TURN THE MICROWAVE ON!!). Leave 'em for another hour or two if you like. They'll still be nice and warm.

I have enough room in my microwave to wrap the roasting pan with a flannel blanket and stick all of it (blanket and roasting pan) in the microwave--helps to retain the heat even more. DON'T TURN THE MICROWAVE ON in case you forgot.

They turn out exactly like they're done on the WSM (sans smoke). Nice and brown outside, pink inside and oh so tender.

Always knew I could do it this way, just never got around to needing to do it this way.

You can also use this method to finish off a cook on the WSM if you run out of charcoal mid-burn or the weather turns really nasty. You've already got the smoke adsorbed on the meat, you just need the continuing temps to finish the cook.

Sometimes we forget the obvious.
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All you had to do was ask and I'm sure any number of "volunteers" would have been glad to come over to help you move that smoker out for the small price of some delicious ribs. Hope you recover soon.
You feel guilty admitting that you made Q in your oven , huh? Me too! But I used to make ribs in the oven all the time before I got my WSM . And they were pretty darn good. I used to put a little liquid smoke in the bbq sauce and the family raved about them. I have also finished quite a few pork shoulders in the oven rather than add charcoal to my old brinkmann smoker. But in the good weather , I really like cooking with fire outdoors. Nothing like it!
OYE !!! performer is on wheels........ya gotta go to HD and get one pair of swivel casters and one not.........and put them on a platform and race the bugger out to the driveway. I would have helped you with the WSM if I were close by .
My, one could get crushed in the rush ;) to help.

And yes, I was hesitant to admit "no smoke". There, I've said it :) .
I haven't had a long cook yet that didn't finish in the oven. I'm too lazy to go re-load a WSM in the middle of winter when the fuel runs out. By that time the bark is long set and I wouldn't be adding wood anyway, so no more need for smoke. Plus it makes the whole house smell fantastic.
Tks for the well wishes folks.

I was told 8-10 weeks and I'm at 5 wk now and feel really good. Dr appt next week to confirm (what I already know) that everything is progressing smoothly.
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I haven't had a long cook yet that didn't finish in the oven. I'm too lazy to go re-load a WSM in the middle of winter when the fuel runs out. By that time the bark is long set and I wouldn't be adding wood anyway, so no more need for smoke. Plus it makes the whole house smell fantastic.

Only thing that stops me from doing that is I don't like to run the oven in the house if it's not necessary. I live in Florida, and I do what I can to avoid pumping heat from the oven into the house. Otherwise, I'd probably finish in the oven more frequently.

