Next Best Use for a Grilling Steel

This was the recipe used....seems to work well:

If I had tips to follow for success, it would be:
  1. When you make the batter, let it sit in a warm spot until it is REALLY bubbly (longer than they suggest) - you want that yeast active and going crazy for the nice bubbly interior.
  2. Cook on side 1 until the top is bubbly ALL over, and almost dry in appearance. You want them cooked about 90% on side 1 so when you flip, you only need a few moments to just finish the other side. On my pics above, I flipped them too soon - there should have been more bubbles towards the middle too. This requires the cooking surface to be hot enough to brown them nicely, but not scorch...basically comes down to some experimentation etc. Medium to medium-hot.
This was the interior which I was pretty happy with...


