Newbie with a kettle!



New member
Hi all,
Just recently purchased my first weber (Master Touch) and I have a few questions getting started up.

Quick start off questions for you all, I am going to do a few trial runs with just charcoal to try and keep a consistent temperature so my first few questions are:
• Should I be using a water pan with these trial runs to help control temp?
• Should I try doing this doing a few methods (i.e. snake, minion, etc.)?
• Lump vs brick? I am sure it is primarily preference
• When I get the hang of keeping consistent temperature, is there a cut/type of meat I should start with and recipes/rubs?
If these questions can be answered in forums that are already around let me know. Appreciate any advice!
1) the very first dry run is just for cleaning inside the kettle from any building residue.
2) from the second cook on, you can use water pan but IMO just enough water for the first 1-2 hours. Not too much.
4) lump vs briquettes. Its not a preference question. With briqs you can control temp perfectly in a snake method. With lump you cant
5) pork butt or as said everywhere, fatty!
Remember it's just a grill, build a nice big chimney ful of charcoal and drop a steak or two for five on and cook! More things will wake you from a sound sleep the more you use it. I didn't realize the master touch had a water pan!?
Tonight I'm firing both kettles, one for ribs one for beets,turnips and grilled polenta! Enrich, any suggestions for the polenta?
Shawn, have a ball, your superior grilling life has now begun!
Yeah, my advice is to jump right in. Cook what you want to eat, chicken, steak, burgers, it's all good. Just get started, and remember to post pictures on the photos thread.
The grilled polenta turned out very nicely! Needs a little fine tuning but, I see potential! It was a request from my granddaughter, she is far more advanced form aculinary standpoint than I was at her age.
Kids liking food is so much fun!
Thanks everyone for the tips, I will defiantly put it to use! Tried my first set of side ribs on the kettle for approx 5 hrs or so, they turned out pretty good for the first time, lesson learned is that I need to do a better job on removing the membrane from in between each rib as it was a bit tough at the bottom but the meaty side I was happy with for a first go! Can't wait to do more!



