Newbie tries Roastbeef



TVWBB Member
We have a 22 WSM at home and plan to make a roastbeef about 2 pounds small next week.

According to the recipies we found about 250 F are recommended and about 2 hours grilling time. As core temperature about 127 F are recommended.

As wood we intend to use beech for the smoke. Other ideas?

Does anybody have experience on making a roastbeef like this?

How much charcoal is needed?

Any ideas and suggestions are welcome

So far the summer was not really funny over here at our place in Germany. Just too much rain. We hope for the next weekend.
I've done larger standing rib roasts (AKA prime rib) from 4 lbs up to about 7 lbs. I've done them at both high heat and low and slow. It depends on how you like your meat. Since you plan to cook to a temp of 127 I assume you like it medium rare. If you go higher heat, say up in the 300s, your centers will be a nice medium rare and towards the outer edge it will be closer to medium. If you stay low and slow like in the 250 range as you said - or even lower - you'll get a more even medium rare throughout the entire slice from center to outside. And keep in mind that when you pull it off at 127, as it rests it will continue to cook and the temp will rise about 7 to 10 more degrees. But it sounds like you got a pretty good plan. 250 for a 2 pounder should be about right. Although I think it may be done a little quicker than 2 hours. I could be wrong so don't take my word for it. Only one way to find out - fire it up and see what happens. Good smokin'
Asfar as how much charcoal? You should be able to get a nice 250 with the minion method. Although I have an 18.5 and you have a 22 so the number of coals may vary. But what ever you normally use for low and slow should be fine to maintain 250.
Hi Russ,

thanks for your help. I will try (if the weather allows next weekend) and post the result.

Today we will do some quick grilling on our GoAnywhere. We love it! (The weather turns bad today)
This goes in Sunday. 13.5# whole top sirloin. Inject with 12 oz. Allegro marinade. Rubbed black pepper and kosher salt. Marinated for 36 hours. Dry pan 350-375 heat over a combo (I'm scraping the bottom of the pickle...I mean "wood"....barrel) of apple, pecan & hickory. 125-130 center. Toasted buns, provolone and sour cream-based horseradish sauce.


