Newbie Roastbeef



TVWBB Member
First of att thanks to everyone helping with information for this beef. Today we made our first roastbeef (prime rib) on our new WSM.

How can I upload images?
Thanks for the help with uploading images. I will try now to show you what we did yesterday.!111

The roast was 2 pound pice, small for the WSM, but we wanted to start to use it slow and low. We took the roast the evening before out of the freezer. About three hours before roasting it we took it out of the fridge and rubbed with cosher salt and fresh grinded pepper.

As wood chips we used cherry wood about a hand full.

Since we are new users to the WSM we used a meat thermometer to find out when the meat is ready. As the meat was smoking we prepared carrots and potatoes which we put on the WSM in paralell as you can see.

So we got the entire meal from the WSM. We were only two and used the upper grate only.

Everything turned out perfect. The WSM is great!
Our first two sessions last weekend make the WSM my favorite. My wife was a bit negative against the bullet. She liked the shape but foud it is big.

Now she loves the bullet ;-) See what happens next weekend....
We finished the last piece today
Now making plans for the next weekend....
It was our first trial on the WSM. The carrots turned out fine but it takes longer to cook them ready.

For the carrots expect an hour, dependend on the thickness.

