Newbie question


Paul Hendricks

New member
Howdy, I recently bought a OTG grill. I have been acquiring accessories for it over the last few weeks. I recently bought the weber smoker box part #307576. When I look at pictures online, it shows it being used on a gas grill. Do I even need a smoker box if I only plan on using it on a charcoal grill?

Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum Paul, if you didn't open the box take it back - you don't need a smoker box for a charcoal grill just put the smoke wood directly on the coals, but dont use too much as you can easily over power your food especialy chicken -
I really believe you don't need it.
You need some foil to make a pouch within chips. Then you can poke as many holes as you like dependind on how much smoke you like.
Something like this works well for me.

IMG_5837 di BBQness, su Flickr

