*Newbie* Damper Question



New member
Hey All,

New to the forum here. I have all the parts ordered for a Heatermeter venture. Got a friend 3D printing a case for me (using Pi W), have the board ordered, and just trying to settle on how I need to stoke the fire.

I have a few smokers. WSM, Acorn, and an offset. After lurking here for a while, I'm a bit confused on which fan or fan/damper combination to use. I see alot of people using the RD3, and a few using the AdaptaDamper as well. Seems that for a Kamado, alot of people are using the Microdamper.

Which one is a good fit for all my smokers in general? I like the AdaptaDamper, but the turmoil I've seen on the posts regarding copying the RD3 seems to make me stray away, but at the same time, I see it on sale on the Heatermeter official sales site. Should I go with the RD3 (Rotadamper)? Do I really need a damper anyway, or just a fan? Is the Microdamper enough for my needs?

I feel so Consternated.
The RD3 is probably the most universal Fan/Damper combo used here on the forum. Alot of people with Kamado style smokers are using the MicroDamper with great results.

If I were to lean towards an all purpose unit, I would suggest either the RD3 or the Adapt-a-Damper. There are some older units here on the forum, and I'll leave it up to you to research, but anything Tom Kole designed seems to work flawlessly. I used his "barrel Servo" design for a while, and kept temps on my WSM really tight.

I use my designed Adapt-a-Damper now, and have great results. You can buy the 3D printed parts with servo on the site (as you mentioned). The RD3 will do the same. Hit Ralph up at rotodamper@hotmail.com if you want an RD3, but I'm not sure if he's giving files out at this point if you want your friend to print it for you, but he sells the parts pretty cheap.

Good luck, and welcome to the HM world!!!
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I printed both the Adapt-A-Damper and the MicroDamper. Both work perfectly. However, I don't think the MicroDamper is quite as versatile as the Adapt-A-Damper. It works great on my Kamado, but the air input required is not very high. It will cruse along holding 225°F for 24 hours or so without any deviation from the required temperature more than a couple of degrees up and down. Always returning to 225.

The Adapt-A-Damper, with its larger blower instead of a fan, should be perfect for stick burners and other less efficient grills than a Kamado.

I used Tom Kole's barrel servo & fan on a leaky horizontal offset for a couple of years. For something with relatively small airflow requirement, it worked quite well.

There are a lot of different designs that should serve your purposes.
Which one is a good fit for all my smokers in general? I like the AdaptaDamper, but the turmoil I've seen on the posts regarding copying the RD3 seems to make me stray away, but at the same time, I see it on sale on the Heatermeter official sales site. Should I go with the RD3 (Rotadamper)? Do I really need a damper anyway, or just a fan? Is the Microdamper enough for my needs?

I would put my vote in for the RD3 if your looking for something universal. I've used fans and the damper fan combos and they both work. One thing to remember is your going to have to make some kind of enclosure for a fan so why not just get a RD3 printed and then you can use it as a fan only or fan/damper your choice.

