Newb =) looking for some help.


Brian HFX

New member
Hi, I just unpacked my first smoker (picked up the 18.5) and while I can't wait to get some meat in there - I've read a lot of things and I'm not sure what might be optional, specific to a grill set up versus the WSM or just personal preference - so I'm looking for a little help =) (I did try to find the answers but it seemed like I kept finding conflicting answers)

I figure the first thing I'll do is some ribs since the daughter has been begging for them for the last week. To keep it concise I'll list my questions in point form.

1 - Should I just use a full chimney (Weber) or go by the manual of 50 briquettes? I didn't want to over fuel and run really hot.
2 - Is mopping needed in the smoker? I didn't want to keep losing heat (but want moist meat). If mopping should be done - how often and when?
3 - Does foiling the water pan (when using water) do anything other than easy clean up?
4 - I read that one full water pan should last the 4-5 hour cook - but also read that I'll need to top up the water every 90 minutes?!?

I'm looking forward to it (have to wait until Saturday) so now I just have to look for a good recipe and rub/sauce.

Ribs will take between 4-6 hrs depending on BB or spares and their particular cut/weight. Half a charcoal ring of unlit coals and started w/ 1/3 weber chimney (read/search Minon Method) will be more than enough fuel. I'm a waterless guy, just foil the waterpan and another layer above that. I'm not hung up on a particular temp to cook, though I tend to shoot for right around 300F. Other opinions abound.

Test doness w/ toothpick/thermo probe. Should slide into the meat with very little resistance.

No mopping needed, unless you're trying to add some additional flavor component.

If you're doing more than one rack, look at getting a rib rack or rolling the ribs.

If you're laying the rack flat on the grate, use heavy duty foil (Reynolds) on the edge of the grate (hotter area) under the rack to deflect the heat. Otherwise the ends will cook faster than the rest of the rack (unless if you like crunchy :-)

Most important of all, welcome to the asylum, relax and have fun.
Hi Brian and welcome aboard.

1 - Use the Weber WSM manual for assembly of the cooker only. I always put a full ring of fuel in my cookers. I light it in two places with a high output propane torch and let it come up to temperature slowly. When you are done with the cook, close all the vents, whatever charcoal isn't burned can be used in your next cook.

2 - Mopping isn't needed.

3 - Foiling the water pan won't help when you are using water.

4 - When I originally used water, I never topped it off..

Brian, I have a series of beginning cooks listed at the top of this page with detailed instructions and photos. The point of them is to get you familiar with the cooker and to not worry at all about the cooker temperature. There's a rib method you may want to try.

The Virtual Weber Bullet: Cooking Topics


