New WSM for next year


Greg J

New member
I just spoke with the owner of my local BBQ equipment place. He told me that his Weber rep said they were coming out with a 22.5" WSM next year. Has anyone else heard this rumor?

Yep, and for years it's always been just that-- rumor. But we can dream, can't we?
I would like to see Weber bring back the small "baby" version of the WSM. Just right to take on vacation, or on a boat.
IT would be nice if there was a 22 1/2 WSM...

not sure why they wouldn't come out with and do away with the 18" all together.
That would be great. I could stop making magnums and just buy the improved wsm. I have 2 magnums and another 22" kettle to build another if needed.

I was wondering about the bigger wsm. If you caught it last year I think it was, Chris went to a convention and talked to a weber rep and walked away with the impression the 22" wsm was going to happen. I was kind of hoping it was this year that it was going to happen. One of these days, hopefully.

