New Weber Spirit E 310 vs used Genesis S-320



TVWBB Member
I got good deal on new Spirit 310 (from target clearance ) and ordered Grill Grates for it for 253 Outdoor. Not used yet.

Meanwhile started looking on craigslist and was able to get Deal on Genesis S-320 (Excellent condition) for 250 - may be 5 year old?
Also got offer for used E320 along with new flavorizer bars/rottiserrie and some parts for 275 .

Requesting some advice - Sell Spirit and buy Genesis ?

Please help as i am confused after reading some comments here.
Keep the spirit, it's not a bad grill .
The Genesis is probably at least 6 , new style started 2011 & going to need flavorizer bars soon ( yes even 300 series SS will corrode)
I don't think the cabinet model Genesis has the lifespan of the cart models.
I've seen a couple where the cabinet bottom & frame is falling apart.
Under a roof probably helps.
Think I can keep my 1000 series going a long time as long as I care for frame, but the new ones may have a shorter life span 10-15 at max.
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I have a couple of older Weber Genesis grills and I've not ever cooked on the newer genesis or spirit grills. However a guy I work with recently got a Spirit. He loves it. He was telling me a few days ago that it's by far the best grill he's ever owned from a performance and build quality standpoint.
Thank you for advice . Will keep the Spirit then and has ordered GrillGrates . will share the overall experience in coming days.
IMO the front control weber grills are not as good as the side control. Unless you never intend to rotisserie foods. The design of the older Weber mimics very well the effect of a rear rotisserie burner. With the new style only the ends of your food get the good heat. As for if you want to use grill grates than don't waste your $$$$ on a Weber just go buy a Charbroil (what they call true infrared). You'll save a ton of $$$$ and get the same results. I know I have tried one.
IMO the front control weber grills are not as good as the side control. Unless you never intend to rotisserie foods. The design of the older Weber mimics very well the effect of a rear rotisserie burner. With the new style only the ends of your food get the good heat. As for if you want to use grill grates than don't waste your $$$$ on a Weber just go buy a Charbroil (what they call true infrared). You'll save a ton of $$$$ and get the same results. I know I have tried one.

Thanks Michael. I haven't thought about rotisserie, but what you mentioned makes sense and something to consider. Charboil tru infrared - decent one is costing about 400 , Weber Spirit 310 i got for 250. Point well taken though, that if GrillGrates (May be i saw too much reviews :) ) kind of cooking is needed, than tru infrared is way to go or stick to Weber Grates and learn how to.
I just went through this a couple weeks ago. Didn't even get a chance to unload the Spirit. I got my Genesis for less than $200 though. Ended up flipping the Spirit on CL for a small profit vs taking it back to Target.

Personally I'd rather have the S-320 if it really is in excellent condition. I like stainless grates and they are not a cheap upgrade. Plus you have a side burner.
I just went through this a couple weeks ago. Didn't even get a chance to unload the Spirit. I got my Genesis for less than $200 though. Ended up flipping the Spirit on CL for a small profit vs taking it back to Target.

Personally I'd rather have the S-320 if it really is in excellent condition. I like stainless grates and they are not a cheap upgrade. Plus you have a side burner.

Thanks Chris for confusing me more :) :) . Now i am thinking again, looked at ebay for Steel Grates (about 120 from rcplanebuyer).
I have already assembled Spirit , not used yet though.

Should I start talking to S-320 guy for picking up ?
Sorry :) I think I see the one you are looking at on CL. From the pics, it appears to be well taken care of. I don't see door or frame rust. If everything works I don't think $250 is a bad price. Considering he has been trying to sell it for a few days and already has another grill, I might try to get him to knock another $25 to $50 off it.

I looked at both in store. I'm sure the Spirit is fine, but I prefer the Genesis at a good used price. If you flip the Spirit and make a few bucks, it makes the Genesis an even better deal.
IMO the front control weber grills are not as good as the side control. Unless you never intend to rotisserie foods. The design of the older Weber mimics very well the effect of a rear rotisserie burner. With the new style only the ends of your food get the good heat. As for if you want to use grill grates than don't waste your $$$$ on a Weber just go buy a Charbroil (what they call true infrared). You'll save a ton of $$$$ and get the same results. I know I have tried one.

I know you got burned on your summit but Charbroil? I had a charbroil once and the quality was pathetic. It was a high end all stainless model and it totally rusted out in less than a year. I'll take a newer genesis or spirit over any of the disposable grill brands any day. By disposable brands I mean char broil, kenmore, etc.

I'm happy with my 2 vintage genesis grills. But when I look at the newer grills the webers still seem head and shoulders above everything I see at the big box stores with the exception of the broil king line. And I would rate weber and broil king about even.
I wasn't mentioning CharBroil for it's "quality" I was indicating that from a performance standpoint a Weber with GrillGrates is basically turned into a CharBroil and if it's what someone "wants" than simply to buy the CharBroil instead of breaking the bank for a Weber that will simply be turned into a CharBroil.
I wasn't mentioning CharBroil for it's "quality" I was indicating that from a performance standpoint a Weber with GrillGrates is basically turned into a CharBroil and if it's what someone "wants" than simply to buy the CharBroil instead of breaking the bank for a Weber that will simply be turned into a CharBroil.

Haha. I see that now.
What did you end up doing? Believe it or not I just got back from picking up another. Really been wanting a side burner and a newer model E-320 popped up near me for $175. It was NG so I wasn't going to mess with it for that price. I guess the seller wasn't getting any offers. He dropped it to $75 last night. That's a no-brainer even if all I do is salvage the side burner. Picked it up and turns out it's an EP-320. Well used, but it will clean up nice.
I actually returned the spirit and bought S320 from Craigslist for 225 . Very nice grill , had to do bit of cleanup. Need to change igniter but grates and flavorizers all cleaned up well . Had grill party yesterday night and sear marks came NICE. Everyone was amazed with food quality.

Thanks for the advice and pushing me to return Spirit. And also returning the grill grates , I don't need anymore as now am in Weber class and forum 😊.
Congratulations! That grill looked very well cared for. I think $225 was a fair price. I've got some rust cleanup to do on the inside cabinet doors of the one I just picked up, but I'm quickly becoming an expert on that.
If Orlando isn't too far out of the way, this Genesis has been listed for a couple weeks. I suspect the frame and doors have some rust, but for $50? If the seller put Weber in the title I'm sure it would be gone already.


First, hello neighbor. :-)

I saw this ad and it looks like the seller has dropped the price even further. I may give him a call in the morning.

Worse comes to worse, it could be good for parts

Hey Joe! Yeah, he must still have it if it is now at $30. Not too much of a risk there. I think it is near OBT which can be a little sketchy. If you are up for a drive to Sarasota, this deal on a newer model 330 at $250 popped up a couple days ago.. I'd be all over it, but wife will kill me if I bring home another grill.

Good luck!

