New to WSM


Dave Gardner

New member
I got a 22.5" WSM for Christmas. I have used a Charbroil offset smoker for the last few years (a cheapie one purchased at Walmart) and got reasonable results with it. I did a Brisket the other day to try out the WSM and have a few questions for the experts.

1. When I add the wood chunks to the coals, the smoke seeps out everywhere, around the seams, the door, the thermometer... Is this normal?

2. Is the minion method the best way to sustain a consistant prolonged cooking temperature? Id didn't do enough research before starting the Brisket and had to refuel...

I am looking forward to doing some ribs this weekend!! Any advice would be appreciated.

I'm not an expert at all and am new to using the WSM like you. From what i have seen:

1. This is normal. As you use your smoker it will gain all the grease and gunk that will seal your smoker better. Also your smoke doesn't need to be air tight.

2. The minion method is great for long cooks and also dialing in your smoker since it is easier to close the vents as the temp is rising slowly. Its harder to bring down temp after it is has risen to a higher number than you like.

I'm sure other "experts" will come on here and answer.
Yes. Normal. The WSM was not designed to be air tight and it need not be. People do all sorts of things - even buying aftermarket stuff - to make it more air tight but it wholly unnecessary. Bend the door a little at a time so that you minimize the spaces - but that's it.

Yes. The Minion will help minimize fuel use - and has the added benefit of helping you to target a cooktemp and snag it as temps rise, rather than trying to bring temps down. I start ALL cooks this way - from butts that I cook ~250 to brisket or ribs that I cook from 325-375.

You got it Big Mike.
I've only been smoking about 15 months but the folks on this forum sure helped me learn faster than I would have otherwise. Ask any question you want and someone will have the right answer.

I have a cheap offset and there's no comparison between it and my WSM. Once you figure out the basics of controlling the temp you'll find it's much easier to cook on the WSM. I also always start with the Minion Method using about 15 lit briquettes which I add to a full charcoal ring. You can always use what you don't burn and it saves refilling.

For ribs here's a good explanation on the main site. Have fun.
Kevin is spot on.

I use the minion method almost exclusively with great results.

If I'm going high heat, I just add more lit coals to get things going a little faster.
I even use the "upside down" Minion method on my performer, lighting the charcoal in the char baskets for indirect cooking, and letting them burn "up".

And what everyone else said on the leakiness. It will go away after a half dozen (or so) cooks. The door is the only thing I had to play with a little bit.
Dave everyone is spot on as usual. The one thing I did was go to my local wood stove/fireplace shop and get some thin gasket material made for air tight wood stoves and put it around the inside edge of the door on my 22.5 wsm. It helped a lot at a very minimal cost. That in addition to what big Mike said about the build up after repeated smokes was the ticket. Good Luck, this sight is awesome for any info you need.
What they said!

My smoker blew smoke all over the place at first. But after 12 to 14 pork butts, and some ribs and chickens later, she doesn't leak much at all. Give it some time. The gunk will build. And that is a good thing. Also, make sure you are not burnin' too much wood.....
If yer aluminum door is a little bit not tight you can GENTLY flex it inwards to get a better fit. As those above said you almost always will see some smoke coming out around door and where the sections are.. No big deal.

