New to me Genesis Jr


Ron De Hoogh

It's been a long time since I was here last, I hope to be around more and post from time to time. Recently I received a msg from a friend asking if I want a gas grill for a good price? long story short I said yes! We arranged a MTG place to transfer the grill and to have lunch and catch up. Afterwards we transfered the grill to my Jeep, luckily he broke it down some and with a little juggling it all fit! It needs some odds and ends so I ordered the parts I needed and once I have them I can finish it.
In the Jeep.

And together.
A Jr. is always a great score, and yours is no exception. 👍 Looks to be in way better than typical shape. You mentioned getting parts. Some for the Jr. are pretty much extinct. What were you able to locate?
A Jr. is always a great score, and yours is no exception. 👍 Looks to be in way better than typical shape. You mentioned getting parts. Some for the Jr. are pretty much extinct. What were you able to locate?
I needed the ignitor and the warming rack,I ordered from e replacement parts so I think I have the right parts coming.
Look for one of the original Weber ones. Weber part #9890. They pop up on CL and FB MP occasionally or even on Ebay. Otherwise there are a couple aftermarket ones that get good reviews.
Sorry, that recommendation is for the Genesis 1000/Silver B grills.
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I used the rotisserie from my 22.5 kettle. I had to cut notches into the spit rod to fit the firebox, but otherwise it was a direct fit.

I have considered doing this for my Jr also. How exactly did you go about cutting the spit?
If I ever have to cut another notch, I'm going to use the roti motor as a lathe.
Turns awful slow, but it could be done with steady hands and a lot of patience, and assuming the spit isn't riding on the flats...
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