New Thermopen


Troy Gamm

Just tried out my new thermopen. I know I have seen it said here before, but I can't believe I didn't buy one a long time ago. That thing rocks. It is so fast and sensitive that you don't have to know how deep to place the prove. It is very thin. I just found the thickest area of the Chicken breast and slowly stuck it in. the temperature started off high then came down as I hit the center then started to climb again. I just took the lowest reading and kept cooking until it hit 160 when checked again. It is as good as everyone says. Everyone should have one when they get a WSM.

On a slightly bummer of a note, I tried to cook a couple of chicken breasts with a new rub that I hadn't used in a while. I forgot how salty it was and covered the breasts with it. Nothing worse than taking a bite of moist perfectly cooked chicken, then spending the next couple of minutes trying to scrape about half the rub off. Next time I try a rub I haven't used in a while, I will taste it before I rub it on everything like a mad man.

I agree, Troy. The thermopen works great with anything you want to cook/smoke! And, it couldn't be any easier to use.
Congratulations on your Thermapen. I couldn't agree more that watching the temp change as you move through the meat is great. This works especially well on steaks (grilling). I know they're a lot of money, but if you can afford a little present for yourself, Thermapens are a great thing to have.
I love my Thermapen as well, can't believe I survived before without one. The only time I even use a constant probe anymore is when cooking something like prime rib to medium-rare doneness.

