New sand in water pan?



TVWBB Member
Have not tried sand in the water pan, but would like to. I do have a quick question though. How often, if ever, do you change/rotate sand in pan. Do you empty after each cook and refill before each new cook (during storage time)? Forgive me if these questions are silly. Thanks for any input.
I prefer the clay saucer, but sand would be fine also. Just cover it with foil, cook, let cool, and toss out the foil. I spent the $$$ and bought 24" wide foil from ebay and couldn't be happier. I love being able to cover the water pan with 1 solid sheet.
Is there a saucer that fits the 22.5"? If so, what do you use? Where do you purchase? The ol' seam trick with the foil does get kinda old I guess. Would be nice to cover with one sheet.
My suggestion is if you want to use sand don not fill the bowl full, go about 1/3rd at the most, this will allow the sand to heat and stabilize quicker and should help prevent or cut down the intensity of temps spikes. To much sand and it will take longer for the absorbed heat to hit the point of release and then the temps can go high fast and until you get the sand temp regulated you'll have a roller coaster ride on your hands, that's why I don't use sand anymore, but sand will hold the temps higher longer which helps with temp recovery if you leave the lid off longer than you should.
Is there ever a need to change the sand used? Is it OK to leave old sand in the pan when storing the WSM?
When I used sand, I bought sand for a play set that was labeled as washed and screened. Once I put it in the pan, I covered it with foil and never changed it out. A couple times a small amount of grease leaked through the foil and I dug that out of the sand and put a little more, but did not dump the old and put in all new.
Thanks for the shout-out and I'm glad people are finding it useful.
I made a "name comment" on your out-of-round thread. lol

