New Rub Ideas


George Roth

TVWBB Member
I looked through my spices........I keep my spices in a cupboard [in the dark] mostly in zip lock freezer bags. I have some that my be 10 years old. I am considering experimenting with some new rubs. I have some Cowtown Light, Dixon Medium Hot, and Mild Bills Cumin. I hate to throw them away.

My regular rub is my modified B.R.I.T.U. recipe. I mostly smoke ribs, butts, and brisket.

Any ideas before I start "mixing"?


First of all, hello George Roth! Although you've posted off and on over the last few years, I think it's been 10 or 11 years since we've spoken...just about as long as those 10 year old spices that you need to toss out and replace with fresh! :D I replace mine every two years.

I'm moving this thread to Recipe Requests and Ingredient Questions subforum.

We have 664 threads in the Rubs subforum, there are lots of good rub ideas there to get you started. Hopefully others will chime in with their favorites.

This link sorts the list of threads by most number of replies so you can see the rub threads that people have discussed the most.

For those who remember the TVWBB flags that I made back in 2014 and sold here, George was the inspiration for doing that.


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