New proud owner of a 1880 model WSM stamped 'C'



New member
Yesterday I bought, in the Netherlands, a 1880 model WSM with 'C' stamped in the top vent.


It came with the original cook book


It has som rust on the bottom screws


But it was not used much


And here he is with his big brother


The previous owner told me he had it from his sister in Scotland.
Second hand WSM's are a rare commodity in Europe, so you can imagine that I am over the moon to have such a vintage WSM.
Thats a fantastic find ! There hard enough to find a decent used one here in the states also atleast here in Michigan
It looks dang near new but I see one thing you need to take care of looks like a little rust on the bottm bowl were the legs bolt on need to clean that off and get some heat paint on it asap !

OPPS I see you already noted the tiny bit of of rust but thats a easy fix ! CONGRATS again enjoy
Wow! that cooker looks FINE. I am amazed that Weber made those smokers in 1880. And that cookbook looks right out of an old west TV show. Hope big brother doesn't get jealous. They do make a nice pair!

That is so incredibly freaking gorgeous!

You have found the Holy Grail of WSM-dom - and it is in fantastic shape.

Congratulations - every one of us here is now so jealous!

Enjoy in every way!

It doesn't look like it has ever been used. The rust is probably just from condensation. I'd take the legs off and make sure there is no rust in the bowl itself, then reassemble.
What a find!

