New member

Just joined yesterday. I am a retired paper mill mechanic. I live in SW Washington State with my wife of 50 years. I’m 72 and getting back into competing in the Northwest with my son-in-law, he has the bug worse than I ever had. I have been coaching him for a while. He has done 4 competitions this year with a GC(with a perfect score in chicken) and a fourth place. I guess I coach better than I cook. Looking forward to making a mods to my 22.5 bullit.
Welcome Dan.
No competition here. I love that my friends, family and neighbors laud my food. Wouldn't want to have my ego deflated by competing with the pros :)
Welcome to the TVWBB family Daniel !
Congratulations to your Son on his cooking achievments and to You on your coaching achievments !
I remember you from my KCBS Rep. days. I’m in Idaho now. Welcome to TVWBB. Looking forward to your posts and pics.
Welcome Dan.
No competition here. I love that my friends, family and neighbors laud my food. Wouldn't want to have my ego deflated by competing with the pros :)
yeah, cook for eaters, not judges! and when they're hungry, they complain even less.

