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Malcom Rogers

New member
Malcom Roger's from Corpus Christi, Texas. Found your site trouble shooting why my Weber Q 1200 will not work when connecting to a 20 lb. propane bottle. The unit will work fine when connected to a one lb. bottle. Have been in contact with Weber customer service and they seem to think it's a bad regulator. As the unit is only six months old they are sending me replace part for no charge. We'll see if that resolves the problem.
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
I am a retired GM tool engineer so I can't let this get the best of me.
This grill might as well start working because I am not giving up.
Looking forward to chatting with some of you.
Have a good one, Malcom.
Welcome, I had a similar problem, the 20LBS would only produce a low flame. While the bbq is lit, I would turn off the bottle and let the gas burn it's self out. While the bottle is still on, I would disconnect the hose, wait for a minute or two and reconnect the hose (BBQ is still on full) as soon as the hose is connected, I would relight the BBQ, sometimes using a flame to ignite it. That usually solved my problem of low flow, and after awhile the problem did finally go away
Hi Malcom and welcome,

The regulator on the Q 1000 and 2000 series grills is finicky with the 20lb tanks. The burner control valve can allow a surge of propane that trips the regulator. You can reduce the likelihood of trip by having the grill valve and tank valve closed before starting the grill. Open the tank valve first, wait about 30 seconds the open the grill valve very slowly, then ignite.

I modify the Q grills I get for free to run on 20lb tanks. The free ones I get always have a failed regulator. The regulator replacement part for Q 1000 or 2000 is around $60. 1 lb propane tanks are around $7 and you usually need a second one on hand in case you run out. The converter hose costs money too.

The modification is replacing the Q regulator with common brass fittings that you can get at the hardware store in the plumbing aisle and using a long, 36 to 42 inch, regulator hose assembly that goes on a Weber Genesis or Spirit full sized propane grill. A generic is fine as long as it’s for a propane full sized grill. The long regulator hose assembly is to ensure you can use the grill at a standing height while securing the tank to the cart or the ground.

The modification doesn’t super charge the Q. Your propane flow is still regulated. You get a good flow of propane that keeps a blue flame with yellow tips. You do lose the flexibility of using a 1lb tank as a tradeoff.
Your regulator could be in lock out. To reset: Turn off all valves and disconnect all hoses. Reconnect all hoses. Wait about 1 minute. SLOWLY turn on the propane tank valve. Wait another minute and then turn on and ignite your grill. I have found that my Q200 needs to have the 20# tank turned on slowly and that I need to wait 30-60 seconds before opening the valve on the grill.
Hi Malcom, WELCOME!!!!!!

I clicked on your avatar and then on Corpus Christi, Then clicked on the first picture and saw all those neat pictures of your city. LOTS of nice water shots. 🥰

