New member from Illinois


Les V

New member
Hello all from Southern Illinois!
I have done a bit of smoking before, but it has been a few years. My first was one of those Brinkman vertical smokers. I never did get it working satisfactorily, and finally put it out on the curb with a "free" sign on it. Next came a couple of "box store" horizontal offset cookers that were both given to me... better results, but these days I use them for grilling instead of smoking. Maybe some day I'll give them another try.
But for now...
Last weekend as we were shopping the local WalMart, Wife spotted a lonely 14.5" WSM sitting all by itself in the Lawn and Garden department with a clearance sign on it. I don't know how she knew I had been wanting to try my hand at smoking meats again, but with her blessing I happily paid the $99 to bring it home. The next day I did a dry seasoning burn and was amazed at how long a basket full of briquettes lasted. I hope to give it a real run this weekend. Digging through the freezer I found a chicken and a pork tenderloin...
Les, first of all welcome to the forum. I, like you, made a couple mistakes when it came to BBQ/Grilling equipment. For the money, Weber charcoal cooking products are the best, not to mention their incredible customer service. There are lot's of friendly and knowledgeable folks on this forum, be sure and ask questions any time. Pictures are important too, go ahead and post them when you can.

You're going to love that 14.5WSM, I have one myself.
Welcome to the forum Les. Congrats on a great smoker. I have the WSM22 and love it. My nest one will be the 14.5. Your family will love the food you will prepare on that beauty.

