Darryl - swazies
TVWBB Diamond Member
Yeah that is my listening room too, it has a T.V. in it, which seems to be on all the time, the couches and all that. No dedicated room, I don't have that kind of house, lol. Nice to see someone else involved in Lp's and enjoying the media. I can PM you a link if you wanted...is PM'ing you anything an option on this board? It's to discogs and you are able to view my collection digitally, I have the entire collection catalogued on there, it serves a few different purposes like random for example........I use it when I start listening to the same records over and over. It's like oh yeah that is a good one haven't heard it in foreverThat old-school Marantz gear really gets me where I itch, but unfortunately I don't have the room for a dedicated listening room, and have to combine my music w/ my TV/movie room.
Good chatting with ya! Too bad you're not closer so I could browse your vinyl collection. Cheers!