Ok thanks for all the clarification, I think I've got a good mental picture of what you're seeing now. That's some crazy behavior for sure. I just checked the voltage on one of my HeaterMeters with a thermoworks pro-series probe at room temperature (76F) and it reads 2.99V, so that's about right on. I'm not entirely sure where to look because 185F is 1.6V if my math is right.
How about you try (no power connected) measure the resistance between:
PROBES header 1 to 2: 20kohm +/-1% -- I read 19.8kohm
PROBES header 2 to 3: 20kohm +/-1%
PROBES header 1 to 3: 20kohm +/-1%
ATMEGA pin 27 to 26: 220kohm +/-10% -- I read 215.2kohm
ATMEGA pin 26 to 25: 220kohm +/-10%
ATMEGA pin 27 to 25: 220kohm +/-10%
ATMEGA pin 28 to 27: connected but resistance will climb, starting from 150k but more importantly make sure the reading doesn't start and remain stable
ATMEGA pin 27 to 24: connected but resistance will climb, starting from about 200k but more importantly make sure it doesn't start and remain stable
What Ralph suggested with reflashing the AVR, that's from the webui LinkMeter -> AVR Firmware -> Online Repository, then click "Flash" next to the top item on the list, the most recent one. I don't think that will make a difference because you said that the voltages were all the same at the atmega but it is definitely worth the time to try it.
We might also try resetting the EEPROM of the HeaterMeter to see if it fixes things, like there's some bad data in there offsetting the value. The easy way to do that without losing your wifi settings is to use the same procedure above except select "reset-eeprom.hex". After it flashes, it should say "Clearing EEPROM" then "Clearing EEPROM Done!" on the HeaterMeter LCD. Once you see the "Done!" flash that first image on the list again (the most recent one again) to get you back on HeaterMeter firmware. I don't think this will do anything either, as like you've said, the voltage at all the pins is the same so there's something in hardware going on.
The fact that it is 185F, which is roughly half the 3.3V pullup voltage makes me suspicious that something is forming a voltage divider splitting the voltage in half from 3.3V down to 1.6V so I think the solution is going to be somewhere in between the jacks and the atmega pins. Worst case scenario, you can always mail it to me and I'll debug the hardware for you. Just email me at
heatermeter@capnbry.net if you want to do that.