New HM 4.0 setting help

Thanks for the help, no i do have an HM the works with any of the atmega's i am read that post i will go back and and solder the whole board again

Again, hard to understand you when you say something like "no i do have an HM the works with any of the atmega's"??? "NO I DO", what does that mean???? Is it "no" or "I DO"? I could assume you meant to say "no, I DO HAVE" or assume you meant "no I DON"T HAVE", they mean opposite so....
Assuming bad solder, remove your mega from the socket first, then re-solder the mega socket and the shift register IC making sure that solder flows to the TOP SIDE of the board as well, wiggle the component leg a little with the soldering iron while soldering if solder doesn't want to flow to the top. Try not to over heat the shift register while doing this, either hop scotch around the chip or pause between pins. I would concentrate on these two areas and then try again, my money says it will flash and you will FINALLY have a fully functioning heater meter. Good luck....
BTW, your probe coeficcient lines on your config page should look something like this":

pc0 to 0.00023067431,0.00023696594,1.2636415e-7,10000,1 = OK

There should be numbers between all the comma's....
Hey thanks for all the help, the problem was the R-PI not the HM board I was able to flash the Atmega chip with a different R-PI So it is all up and running

thanks again

