New HeaterMeter Build - Wish me luck



New member
Hey Folks. I am ready to start building a Heatermeter. I think i got everything. I have not done any soldering at this details for years. like 20. But i solder here and there to fix stuff at the house, cars, motorcycle, etc. A few questions.

1. Do i need to clean the board with anything?
2. flux? do i need to apply flux? if so, whats the process? i have the 60/40 .031 solder which i think is small enough to use for this. And it contains flux.

Any other tips for a newbie?

Thx, Tom.

Clean the board with Isopropyl Alchohol (IPA, not the beer).
If your solder has flux, you'll be good to go.

Re-clean the flux off the board with IPA after soldering.
In all my years of soldering stuff, I've never pre-cleaned a board. I'd be interested to find out how many have.
In all my years of soldering stuff, I've never pre-cleaned a board. I'd be interested to find out how many have.

You are correct. I just got in the habit years ago when I used to etch my own boards, or had to work with poorly plated pads and such. It may not help, but it surely won't hurt.
Thx for the notes. i am typical impatient. i posted my note, waited a little, then dug it. I am on step 6-7 now. I did not clean it with anything. the solder has flux and its been working well. my first 50% solder are probably not going to win any awards. Then got the timing of heating up the pad, applying solder, and then removing the iron. Once I am done, I'll really review the board, and re-flow any poor joints and clean up really bad ones. For that, I'll pickup some flux, and apply by hand to help the re-flow. I'll probably spend a lot more time QCing than necessary because its so new and i have not done this for so long and want to have the best shot at it working. Thx again. Tom.
so i installed the 28 pin socket in the wring orientation. does it really matter as long as i put the IC in the right way? Or do I have to remove it and try again? Anyone got an idea? Thx, Tom.
cool for me. i got a little farther and had to jump on a conf call for work. I think I'll get it finished up tomorrow evening. Thx for the advice.
When i day dream on my calls - i usually get into trouble.

So the one side of the board is coming along. I don't know if i should include the little buzzer thing. I left it off. I have a Rpi model b going on it. I also left out the resister where the pit probe is. I have the thermocouple model.

The problem is the back side. I trimmed the leads down a lot and want to review all the solder and be sure i didn't cross connections before I cut them all down. Some areas are pretty dirty with flux junk. Anyone know the best way to clean this? What with? And with what kind of little brush? I am not sure the best way to tackle that.

Th for any info. Tom.

You can scrub it with some 99% isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush.

Keep trimming those leads. Creeps me out to see all those long leads stickin out!

Looks like you need some extra solder on one of the pads for the shift register ( Below the B+ LCD hole )

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Thx Steve. Once I clean the board up. I'll snap a picture and view it pad by pad. Be sure I am good. Before I got to the next steps.

