New Genesis EP-330, two small issues (pic heavy)



TVWBB Member
Hi All,

I finally pulled the trigger and purchased an Genesis EP-330. I was sort of worried that it wouldn't be powerful enough. Boy was I wrong. I fired it up with all burners on high and it was at 550 in 10 minutes, and still climbing. I had to lower the burners as I was sort of scared of it melting. :D

However, after putting it together (and playing with it for a few moments while it was on) I noticed two small issues.

I noticed that the very left knob did not seem to sit as well as the other 3 (including the sear burner knob).

While twisting the knob to adjust the heat, I noticed that it scraped against the faceplate. I've attached a few pictures to show the issues.

The first is looking at the knob from the top. You can see that it's a little bit off. The second is from the side, where you can see the clearance all around the knob itself when the knob is on "High". When I twist the knob to change the heat it scrapes into the faceplate.

The last is the with the knob removed. This shows the original issue, the faceplate getting scratched as well as the second small issue. When installing the knob, it slides on the stem with very little resistance. When installing the other three, I had to push quite a bit to get the knob on the stem. This one just slide on very easily. You can see the gap in the stem has been somewhat closed towards the end. The other two knobs had a consistent gap on the stem. This can be seen in the 4th picture I've attached.

Also in the 4th picture, it appears like the angle which the stem comes through is different between the middle burner (a good one) and the left burner (the one with the issue).

I realize this is me being pretty picky, but for $849, I'd like some precision and not worry about one weird knob (which will cause me to try to avoid using that burner most of the time).

Do you have any suggestions? I contacted Weber support (using email) and have yet to hear back. I'm not sure how long I should wait before emailing again/calling.

That left valve stem was installed off center, there has to be a way to adjust that the right way.

Quick Update - Weber customer service responded and said based on the pictures and what I've described, I may need a new manifold. I need to call back while I'm near the grill.
At $849 I would definitely have this resolved, I have the same grill. That premium price you paid is to make sure things like this are taken care of. It is good to hear that Weber is responding positively. Let us know how it works out.
I have a new 330 S that I also love. t really heats up fast.
Glad Weber is working with you.
Hope you enjoy your new toy as much as I do mine.
Another Update - Talked with Weber on the phone. During the call, I was asked if all of the screws went in easily. I said some of them didn't. She said to try to reassemble everything to get the screws to go in easily and everything should line up.

I took everything apart, but the end result is exactly the same. I took pictures of how the screws go into the faceplate (the left side doesn't go in nearly as far as the right side before I get so much resistance that I can't turn the screw anymore - even detached from the grill). I also took pictures of the manifold without the faceplate attached. It's very easy to see the angle of the left valve stem is wrong.

I just sent the pictures to another customer service rep at Weber. He said he'd email (or call) back to let me know what he and/or his supervisor thinks.

Thus far I'm decently happy with Weber's customer service. They're trying to help as best they can.
For the sake of completeness, I suppose I'll attach a few of the pictures, in case others are curious.

Here is a shot of the manifold, take a look at the far valve stem:

Here is the same thing as above from the other side (nearest valve stem):

On the plus side - I'm getting really good at taking apart/putting this grill back together.
It looks like the valve stem itself is bent. When you turn it does it corkscrew or does it stay in it's position?

Called back on Friday and spoke to the nicest customer service rep I've ever dealt with. I should be receiving a new manifold and control panel mid-week. So (hopefully) one more time of disassembly/reassembly and I'll be good to go!
All seems good now. Replaced the manifold, was much easier than expected. Found my propane tank was leaking when I turned everything back on, fun stuff. Swapped it out and everything is good to go!

