I soldered everything up today. My solders certainly aren't pretty, but I can't find anything obvious bridged or gapped. Pictures here:

When I mated my Pi Zero W and plugged in 12V I got green and yellow LEDs initially and a black bar on the upper line of my LCD. After about 5 minutes it hadn't progressed or connected to my WiFi, so I power cycled it. After that the LEDs would turn off, but still no display or wireless connection. Powering the RPi from a micro-USB gave the same results. I noticed the RPi is running very hot to the touch, but I'm not sure what's normal there. I tested the voltages for the Pi socket and had 5V on the first two 5V pins, 3.3V only on G25, and 1.15V on TXD, RXD, MOS, SCK while plugged into 12V. Should the 3V3 at pin 1 also have voltage?
On the software side I've tried both the stable and snapshots from the download page. I also tried the HeaterMeter AP image, which also failed to boot.
Although I don't have a specific reason to doubt it the RPi is a suspect; it's a 2017 model that I've had in a drawer for quite a while. I've ordered a new one and I'll have the display adapter to watch in a few days.
Any other ideas or things to try?
Thanks for any help.

When I mated my Pi Zero W and plugged in 12V I got green and yellow LEDs initially and a black bar on the upper line of my LCD. After about 5 minutes it hadn't progressed or connected to my WiFi, so I power cycled it. After that the LEDs would turn off, but still no display or wireless connection. Powering the RPi from a micro-USB gave the same results. I noticed the RPi is running very hot to the touch, but I'm not sure what's normal there. I tested the voltages for the Pi socket and had 5V on the first two 5V pins, 3.3V only on G25, and 1.15V on TXD, RXD, MOS, SCK while plugged into 12V. Should the 3V3 at pin 1 also have voltage?
On the software side I've tried both the stable and snapshots from the download page. I also tried the HeaterMeter AP image, which also failed to boot.
Although I don't have a specific reason to doubt it the RPi is a suspect; it's a 2017 model that I've had in a drawer for quite a while. I've ordered a new one and I'll have the display adapter to watch in a few days.
Any other ideas or things to try?
Thanks for any help.