NEW: 2013 Weber 1481001 Performer Platinum Charcoal Grill


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Here's the 2013 Weber 1481001 Performer Platinum Charcoal Grill, listed at Amazon for $337. Also available in Brick Red, Green, and Dark Blue.

  • 22.5-inch diameter porcelain-enameled bowl and lid with a cooking area of 363 square inch
  • Electronic Touch-N-Go gas ignition system
  • Aluminized steel One-Touch cleaning system with removable, high-capacity, aluminum ash catcher
  • Removable LCD cook timer and built-in lid thermometer
  • Assembled dimensions are 40-inch by 50.25-inch by 28.5-inch

The Performer Platinum Grill features an exclusive Touch-N-Go gas ignition system that ignites charcoal briquettes with the push of a button. Especially handy is an LCD countdown cook timer with a large readout . The timer attaches to the grill or can be easily removed if you’d prefer to take it inside or keep it with you. The grill’s classic porcelain-enameled bowl and lid with a One-Touch Cleaning system and high capacity ash catcher make clean up hassle free. Storage options are plentiful with the CharBin storage container which protects your charcoal from the elements and the built-in Thermoset work table that provides a great work surface for preparing your next grilled masterpiece. Also features a wire bottom shelf, no-rust aluminum vent and a glass-reinforced nylon handle.
Hey Chris, I also see that these new Performer Platinums will be offered up in stadard Black along with Dark Blue, Green, and Brick Red. Nice to see them bringing back the red color. Thanks for the heads up. Anxious to see their entire 2013 line..........maybe something else to peak our interest.
Just bought the green one 2 weeks ago. This setup is fantastic! Love the gas assist feature too.

