need high temp pork butt help


Hunter Lewis

TVWBB Member
Good morning boys and girls,

I am having all my buddies over for poker tonight and it is going to be the first day this year in the 80's here in colorado. I am so freaking psyched about the weather that I want to throw something tasty on the smoker for dinner tonight. I was thinking of a high temp pork butt but I have no idea how long it takes and whether high temp cooks work for a butt. I plan on eating around 7, if I throw a butt on around 11 or 12, will it be done in time for dinner? Anyone with input or experience would be very appreciated!

Smoke on


thanks for that link, It is looking like i may have to go that route today if i cant find any accounts of first hand experience with high temp dry smoke cooks. Thanks again

Hey Hunter, about an hour a lb on high temp. Ill do about 300 to 325. Most my butts are around 5 lbs and took about 5 hours.

Dont think of it as a worry, think about as a challenge, and you have the perfect piece of equipment for it.

Run the temperature up, take it to well above 200°F. It'll be tender, but might not pull apart like usual. Chop/slice, whatever.

Have fun and let us know how it worked for you.
I did a 11 pounder last weekend. Empty foiled pan temps at 325 at the start 300 for the norm.
Injectid with teryiyaki and fresh pineapple juice. Made a slather with the leftover pineapple, and tightend it up a bit as Kevin suggested in a past post. 7 hours @ 300, foiled for 2 hours. And this pulled with hardly any effort, a few chunks here or there needed a litle more work but all in all a higher heat butt will work when you do not have the time for a overnite . I have not had the courage to do a overnite but hopefully that will change with experience.
Do you guys foil the meat or let it go naked? If so, at what internal temperature do you put it in the foil?

