Need help with a Chuck Steak for my wife's room for error!


Luke P

TVWBB All-Star
So here's the situation....My wife's birthday is next thursday, 17th. I asked her if I could cook for her to take that off her plate for the day. She liked the idea, and the freezer's a bit empty these days. She asked for the last big chunk of meat from a 1/4 cow we purchased. A big chuck steak.

Everything I'm reading says stews and cubing it up because it's got more gristle and is a tougher cut. That's not really what I'm up for. I'm 100% confident cooking a steak she'll love but I realize this cut can be a bit different. She's not huge on gristle/fat.

My goal: A delicious steak, and nice presentation fit for a special meal. I'll cook whatever sides she asks for....and do all this on my 18.5 kettle.

My ask from you all: Please share any proven techniques you like, marinades, or direction for sear-and-rest, low-and-slow, or somewhere in between.

Thanks in advance to all.
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This chunk of meat is no joke! Think it's a full roast. I don't know my head from a cow's a$$ apparently. Loving all the feedback....I'm digging into these attached posts.

Wanna do it to slice rather than pull. Have a plan for low and slow, maybe beef broth underneath. Sear at the end.

Seperate it possible to dissect this into multiple individual steaks? I can find the different cuts in there online...but I'm no butcher.
Seperate it possible to dissect this into multiple individual steaks? I can find the different cuts in there online...but I'm no butcher.

That is a nice hunk of beef. You have a world of possibilities in front of you.

Of course, you can butcher it into different cuts... half the stuff I do I've never done before but with the internet and a few pieces of advice from those that have done it and I figure if they can do it I can do it.

