Need Guidance converting Genesis e330 from NG to LP


David Palmer

New member
I am brand new to this forum. Thanks for the add

I recently acquired an E330 in great condition but it is set up for natural gas. I need to convert this to propane. I've read a few previous posts and it sounds like there are a lot of websites to stay away from when buying the kits.

What are some good reliable sellers of conversion kits?

Aside from the standard conversion kits, are there any other items I should go ahead and replace?

Your best bet is to find another E330 cheap and grab the LP manifold of it and replace yours. That is the surest way to make the conversion.
Best bet is a whole manifold. Some CAN be "converted" with simply orifice and hose/connection/regulator BUT not all. The issue is you really need to know which type is which. Bottom line going from NG to LP even if you make a mistake your worst case is a grill that has little to no temp change with a change on the controls and always runs too hot. Not dangerously so. Just annoyingly so.
This is due to the fact that Weber does not have a standardized valve. If they did you could make a simple rule that says to change gas type you do A B C
Thanks - I have started looking for an LP manifold. Appears they are hard to come by.

I will start with the orifice and hose connection to see what results I get.

Appreciate y'alls help!
Tom - I purchased a conversion kit that included the orifices and new regulator. The flames were consistently burning orange across all burners. I swapped out the regulator and it's much better but still not perfect.

After reading many posts, especially from LMichaels, it appears the best solution for both of us would be to swap manifolds.
New guy jumping in here but I just bought a 310/315 GenII ('19) LP manifold off of BBQ Depot, you may have good luck looking there for the E330?

Hope this helps!

Also I was hoping to contribute to this conversion thread as the folks on here really helped me figure out mine just by posting.

I recently inherited a brand new weber E-315 NG from my mother-in-law that was refused to be picked up by the retailer after it was damaged during shipping. I am in the process of converting from NG to propane and had purchased the orifice and regulator from one of various companies that sells them.

The place I purchased them from was nice enough to include 2 different sets of orifice drill diameters as the rep mentioned that the GenII were tricky to get right because of the valves being from different manufacturers (just spit ballin' here, sorry if I'm not 100% correct).
He sent me a smaller (lower) diameter orifice and one that was drilled to spec per the BTU rating.
Here are the examples of the two orifice diameters they sent me, Left is lower (smaller) orifice, right is the spec'd orifice hole diameter for the BTU's.

***Feel free to correct me if I am wrong about any of this, just trying to help other folks do the same thing I'm doing.
First photo is at maximum gas and second is at minimum gas.

Gas output with the smaller diameter holes (left) actually seemed pretty good and I did notice some difference in max vs min output. That said, after reading a couple threads on TVWBB, I opted to purchase an entire manifold (Weber Genesis II 310/315 LP Manifold (year 2019)-67458) because BBQ depot literally got them in stock today, other wise I probably would have run the orifice conversion I initially purchased. Hope this helps!
Happy grillin' and good luck!

PS I now have a brand new unused GenII E310/315 NG manifold for sale I will be posting shortly after the conversion is completed. Stay Tuned.

I recently inherited a brand new weber E-315 NG from my mother-in-law that was refused to be picked up by the retailer after it was damaged during shipping.

So am I understanding this right? You have a completely free E-315 Gen 2 with some damage that only needed to be converted from NG to LP ?

If so, SCORE !

Swapping the manifold sounds like the best route, but when I picked up my NG E-330 and needed to convert to LP No-one had any complete manifolds in stock.

Welcome, and get some good greasy burgers and season it well !
So am I understanding this right? You have a completely free E-315 Gen 2 with some damage that only needed to be converted from NG to LP ?
Yessir! I really lucked out! So definitely wanted to share what I found with the conversion to hopefully help others trying to do the same thing.
I just received and installed the LP specific manifold today and have included photos. The LP specific definitely has a much more defined difference in Max vs.Min but it seems like it is much more prone to yellow flames in both setting. Plus the regulator was making pretty high pitched noise when the burners were turned to their max setting. Honestly, I really don't know but it seems like the flames were not as dialed in with their output as the (Lower) smaller diameter driller conversion offices I originally purchased.

Anyway, these are installed so I will go with the OE LP replacement manifold I bought. Any advice is welcome.
Also including closeups of the valve and stem part numbers if that may help anyone:
Note: Black orifices indicate the NG manifold.

Gook luck and happy grillin'!
PS I also have the new NG take-off manifold for a Genii e310/315 I will be looking to sell off. Interested? Let me know!
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It looks like you have too much flame on high. Did you by any chance swap out the orifices in the valves when you did the manifold swap?
I am not hugely familiar with the E3xx grill either, but I don't remember any of the ones I have rehabbed having black orifices.
It looks like you have too much flame on high. Did you by any chance swap out the orifices in the valves when you did the manifold swap?
I did not. I need to note that the black orifices on the manifold indicate the NG version. The LP variant has brass orifices (marked 104) on the manifold. I was trying to get a close up of the part numbers. Apologies on the confusion.
The replacement OE manifold ( LP, brass orifices) seems to have a greater range in its min-max displacement vs the original NG manifold but the flame is not at all refined.

From what I can tell, gas goes from regulator > manifold (valve/orifice) > burner tubes.

I know that weber sells a NP and LP specific burner tunes but some folks have said they are one-in-the-same.
I researched regulators and it seems anything under 60k BTU takes a single stage so my regulator should be the correct one (came in the conversion kit)?

I am wondering if there could be any difference at all before I go out and drop $40 on a weber branded regulator or $100+ on burner tubes.
I'm thinking about installing the smaller diameter (lower) orifices on the new manifold to see if that changes anything but am getting concerned about safety regarding back-pressure by introducing a more restrictive orifice in the system.
I just swapped one of the orifices on the new LP manifold with the smaller orifice from the conversion kit I bought and the flames were very, very similar. At this point, I no longer think it's the manifold but rather the burner tubes or regulator.

Any thoughts?

Thanks again for the advice!
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Rookie question of the day: Do LP grills sell more than NG? I just picked up an Gen II E-310 in excellent condition. I'm debating whether to clean it up and just replace the grates and flip it as NG? Or convert it to LP but I'm wondering if the conversion expenses are worth doing or if I should try to sell it as NG. Suppose I could get $200 as NG, but $300 as LP. I'll be spending between $100 and $110 on the LP manifold.

By the way, if I proceed with NG->LP conversion, do I also need to change the burners? I noticed that the part number for the NG 66074, while LP burners are 67489.
Rookie question of the day: Do LP grills sell more than NG? I just picked up an Gen II E-310 in excellent condition. I'm debating whether to clean it up and just replace the grates and flip it as NG? Or convert it to LP but I'm wondering if the conversion expenses are worth doing or if I should try to sell it as NG. Suppose I could get $200 as NG, but $300 as LP.
I think it may depend on your market area. Around me, LP grills at a great price seem to sell quickly, yet NG grills seem to be on the market for a longer time and at lower prices.

Willard. It is a crap shoot. The demand for NG grills is much lower, but then the supply of used ones is much lower as well. You just don't see a lot of used ones pop up and if someone wants NG and you have a grill they are looking for, they are likely to pay to get that NG grill. That is the type of grill you would list and maybe have to wait a while for it to sell.
The only cost effective way to convert is to find a donor grill and swap manifolds. I basically only do LP grills but I have a couple NG manifolds for Silver B/C grills so that if someone asks for NG, I can convert one for them. One reason I wont deal with NG is that I currently don't have a way to hook it up and check it.
Rookie question of the day: Do LP grills sell more than NG? I just picked up an Gen II E-310 in excellent condition. I'm debating whether to clean it up and just replace the grates and flip it as NG? Or convert it to LP but I'm wondering if the conversion expenses are worth doing or if I should try to sell it as NG. Suppose I could get $200 as NG, but $300 as LP. I'll be spending between $100 and $110 on the LP manifold.

By the way, if I proceed with NG->LP conversion, do I also need to change the burners? I noticed that the part number for the NG 66074, while LP burners are 67489.
There are 2 ways to do fuel conversions. The proper safe way and the el cheapo (I'll watch YouTube and change orifices) way. The second way can either give you a grill that at BEST does not function as well and at worst can become a fireball waiting to happen. You choose
Hi there!
I'm new to this forum and to forums in general so I'm not sure I'm posting this in the right place. I'm getting ready to convert my Genesis S-310 NG grill to LP by changing the manifold. I don't see burners addressed in the articles I've read. But I would think I may need to change those as well? I'm also unclear on which hose I'll need to connect to the tank when I'm done.
Appreciate any help
Welcome. There’s no difference between the burner tubes - once the gas leaves the orifice, it’s not like it remembers anything upstream. The most you’ll have to do is adjust the dampers on the inlet ends to dial in the flame level.

As for the hose, I’m a fan of stainless clad - you’ll never have to worry about varmint damage with those.
Welcome CVoorde, you don't need to change out your burners unless they are rotted out. Your new manifold should have a a hose and regulator like this on it. Screenshot_20220928-182224_Home Depot.jpg

