Nathan's Foot Long Hot Dogs


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Where does a guy get a bun long enough for this dog?!?! Saw these today at the supermarket for the first time.


We use the Wonder Bread Giant Hot Dog buns. They're roughly 10" long so you have about an inch of dog protruding each end. We do them at least twice a month with chili and coarsely chopped onion. Great, now I'm hungry!

Correction.... I double checked and the buns I referenced above are Rainbow Giant Hot Dog Buns, not Wonder. Sorry.
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Looks like something we used to eat at Wiener King.

In 1976, you could get a foot-long dog, fries, and a small drink for 99 cents.

It was about a mile from High School, and we ate there often.
Both Kroger and HEB in Houston have had foot long buns all summer. The price for the Nathan's foot long franks was $6.99 during July 4th and Labor Day. Haven't checked the price recently though.

