My Snap On fiasco recovery plan: It hinges on this Spirit E-320 SS!

I can't vouch for their quality, but I can vouch for their very reasonable prices compared to what almost any other brand sells for. Even the lower end big box store brands are much higher than HF.

Bottom line however is that unless you are a machinist or mechanic or in some kind of industrial job that requires a rolling tool chest, then there is no reason to pay over $1000 for one. ZCI6IjEyNzEyIn0=

And with a 20% off coupon, you are looking at about: $230

Here is a comparable Snap On tool chest:
Here's some interesting competition

I have never seen this before. Apparently, Snap-On also commissioned an unlabeled ceramic kamado type grill. Ceramic looks a lot like a Green Egg, but the strapping and vents do not. This is actually a pretty good deal when you consider the stainless table (with or without the Snap-On logo:rolleyes:).
Hey Jon, you should buy this apron! It may be the trick to completing your project!


I picked one up on eBay! Hopefully it will be a fun "extra" to help my Snap-On grill sell. If not, it is pretty nice and kind of cool with a built-in bottle opener - for old-fashion bottled soda in my case.


