My New Summit Grilling Center



TVWBB Member
Assembly went fine, took it slow and easy (sounds like smoke lingo). Everything works fine. Waiting for my first cook on Friday, a Pork Butt.

The WSM has a grommet to feed the meat temperature and grill temperature probes inside the grill. With the WSCG I guess it is ok to lay the feeds in between lid and and bowl without damaging the gasket?

For you present owners, what has the temperature difference between your lid thermometer and your grill temperature probe been?

I think that's my dream setup there. Nice Genesis for quick cooks, sides or just extra capacity. WSCG for smoking, charcoal grilling, or just about anything you want. You could feed a small army with those two.
Very nice, Mick!
Now could you please provide your address and let me know what time of day the grills are unattended? I have a sudden urge to drive to Chelsea. If you hear a noise in your backyard at night, think nothing of it. It's just me trying to stuff your grills into my PT Cruiser ;)
L@@king good there, it's a real shame that there are no plans to offer the WSCG here in Blighty, I much prefer the look & would pay the extra...I wouldn't on the other hand buy the standard version...

Enjoy ;)
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Your summit grilling center reminds me of my Performer but on steroids. When they are selling this, they will never do a 26" Performer. If business ever picks up, I got to get me one of these. Congrats on a great cooker.

