My new Q100 CL grill



TVWBB Super Fan
Hello everyone, I just scored this Q100 off CL for 45bucks, needs some cleaning but otherwise in great shape. I have the grates soaking in degreaser and I need to get a small tank until I can get a hose and a large tank. Does anyone know where I can get a tank to fit thru the ring on this model? I have a 16.4 oz canister but it is to fat to insert in the ring. Also what is a good first cook on one of these to break me into gas cooking?

the thin bottles are the blue ones used for hand torches. etc.
look for them at hardware stores such as lowes and such at the welding area.
but just take the holder off and use the bigger tanks.
first could be dogs, sausages, burgers.
I took the holder off so I can use the Coleman fat tanks. Q looks like its in good condition. Grill some burgers...:)
Unscrew the top holder holding the ring on. Bend it to the outside so you can fit a larger propane tank. The ring still supports the tank somewhat as well. Been using it like that for a few years now.
That is what I did with mine. I don't think hanging a bottle off the regulator fitting is a good idea. It is very thin 1/8th inch brass
I just use mine as is with the thinner bottles. I bought one of the hoses to use a regular propane tank, but have yet to use it either. I guess if it were one of my primary grills that I cooked with constantly especially in one location, those type of modifications would make a lot of sense. For me, I am happy to use it just like it is.

One thing I would really recommend is trying to find one of the rolling carts. I used mine for quite a while just sitting on top of a Workmate bench, but the cart is so much more stable and secure.

