My new 55 magnum is almost done

Hi Jeff,

The cook went well. I was able to get 4 butts on each rack (12 total). I used my 2 WSM's for the other 8 butts. I could have squeezed a 5th butt on each rack with a little jockeying things around but didn't need to. The temps got in to the low 30's on Friday night and I used alot of charcoal to keep it at 225 degrees but the quality of the food was very good. The pork went on at about 8:00pm Friday night and was done by 11:00am on Saturday morning. I also used the magnum to cook about 60 pounds of chicken at the golf course Saturday afternoon. The results were outstanding. The chicken took about 2 hours and my wife and I were very pleased. We eneded up feeding over 130 people after the golfing was over and got many nice compliments. It was for a great cause and we had a blast. Perfect weather and great people all around.
That sounds great mike. You probobly could have got the 5th on there easily by putting the butts on their side. I was just wondering what to expect. My friend just told me today he is having a party Saturday. Guess what my first smoke on the magnum is expected.

Well I haven't got off my arse yet and ordered my pitminder for for the magnum. I did however call weber today and order 6 dampers. The three on my wsm are in bad shape. The other three are for the kettle of the magnum. I am going to drill the kettle out to fit the dampers. From sound of things, I decided to try putting the 3 dampers to mimic the wsm. Hopefully it will be as stable as the wsm. My thinking is that it will but only time will tell.

