My first Weber Craigslist find - Red SS Performer


D Snyder

New member
Hi everyone,

After reading around here, I decided it was time to find a Performer to add to my Genesis. After searching for a while, I swung a deal to pick up this Red SS Touch N Go Model. It has EI stamped on the dampers, should be a 1997 model--was red a standard color this year? The paint is darkening a little bit on the lid.

It definitely needs some cleaning and additional work. I tried to fire it up to clear out some old charcoal in the bowl and...nothing. I filled up the 5# tank and tried again and...still nothing. I don't have any long matches around the house right now, so it is time to do some troubleshooting. I'm don't smell any gas when I turn open the valve on the tank, could there be something blocking the line prior to the ignition? It would be great to get the gas working with it, but it isn't going to sour me on the grill if it doesn't. Hopefully I can get it cleaned up and cooking this weekend.

Nice red SS! Mine is an EZ, so a '98 model yeah. The paint is called "mist" and it's supposed to look like that.
These are quite simple machines and a good disassembly/cleaning gets them back up and running. I actually have 2 SS Performers and they both have all original equipment after not working when I got them. There is also a shut off just to the left of the regulator (in line) and it's quite possible it's off.
Welcome to the forum D, and that is a great find.

Rolf mentioned spiders, I have had a mud dauber wasp clog up a grill line before.
When you get that puppy working you're going to love it. I finally got one and now I use it 10 times more than my OTS because it's almost as easy to use as my gasser. Enjoy!
I seem to recall another valve in the gas line? Did you open that one?

Nice looking grill. I have a 2000 Performer SS. Enjoy!

Still no luck with the burner, but I did get the first cook on it. Overcooked the burger, but it was nice to have that charcoal flavor and a great char on the outside. The grill got hot in a hurry, that's for sure. Still need to clean it up, especially with some oven cleaner on the lid. Is it normal for some smoke to flow out between the top and the kettle? Definitely looking forward to experimenting more with it, next time in the daylight!
When you have a good smoke going, yeah it'll leak between the lid & bowl. It's just 2 pieces of metal sitting together so it really isn't a tight fit. About the burner.... Do you have gas flowing? Can you light it with a match?
Traded an old TV I wasn't using for it, already used the grill more than I would have used the TV!

I don't think there is gas flow. Tried the regulator in both positions and that didn't make a difference, guess it is time to take some things apart to troubleshoot.
Traded an old TV I wasn't using for it, already used the grill more than I would have used the TV!

I don't think there is gas flow. Tried the regulator in both positions and that didn't make a difference, guess it is time to take some things apart to troubleshoot.

Yea, check the tank valve first. You should be able to hear gas flow from your tank.
If thats not the problem, I would assume the problem is the regulator assembly. Again, make sure the regulator valve is open. See Figure 11 in pic below.

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It might be the regulator, I don't remember hearing any gas flow (and the valve was in the right position). How hard is it to find a replacement?
It might be the regulator, I don't remember hearing any gas flow (and the valve was in the right position). How hard is it to find a replacement?

Not sure on the availability/cost of the part. I would start with
Also, forum member "Kevin L (NKY)" was parting out an old performer.
I bought a tank from him. Maybe he can help you out.
In any case, I see you're already enjoying the grill. Honestly, I've only used gas
ignition once since I've had mine.


