My First Smoke...Success! w/pics



New member
Hey guys!

Well, I attempted my first smoke this last weekend. I got my new 22.5 WSM in last week, and smoked a brisket and some ribs this weekend.

I started the brisket about 8:00 on Friday night and took it off about 8:00 Saturday morning. I held it in a cooler while I smoked some baby backs from about 8:00am Sat till lunch time. The WSM worked great! I was able to sleep about 5 straight hours without touching the smoker. I used a full charcoal ring with the Minion Method and pecan chunks. It lasted about 10 hours before I had to add some more fuel. I also made the doctored baked beans recipe from this site.

I can't believe how well it went for my first smoke. I had done my homework, which helped alot. I didn't get too many good pics because I was busy trying to make sure I was doing everything right, but here are a few I did get.

Here is the brisket rubbed and ready to go. It was a 12.29 lb untrimmed packer. I trimmed it some and used mustard and the pictured seasoning. I cooked it fat side down.

Me with the new smoker:

Here are the ribs and beans finishing up:

Finished ribs:

I didn't get any pictures of the ribs or brisket cut up, but they looked great. I got a nice, but not huge, smoke ring. I am very happy with my WSM. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all the advice and support from this site!
looks great.

be prepared to have to replace your pants in 12 months after your waste size increases an inch.
Nice job. The ribs look tasty.

Don't let them pick on your white gloves, I have a pair too. It is summer after all. After Labor Day you need to move to the off white, however.
Congratulations Scott!! Ribs look good. After doing a few low/slow briskets, try doing a couple of high heat method cooks. See how you like it. You can get a full night's sleep and still get a packer done by lunch. (4-5 hours)

All you guys and your new 22" WSM's. I'm getting smoker envy with my 18". Who would have ever thougth you could say I've got an 18"er and still be jealous?!
Thanks for the replies, guys.

I kind of like the white gloves, but I agree they look a little funny. Work great for handling hot chunks of meat.

I'm glad I got the 22" model. I considered the 18" due to its efficiency, but I like having the extra room, and I thought the 22" did a great job in the fuel efficiency department. Of course, having never owned the smaller version, I wouldn't know the difference.

Being in Texas, I see lots of offsets and everyone I talked with said to go that route. I think those guys are used to the cheapie Brinkman Smoke and Grills. The WSM is a very different machine than those Brinkmans. I'm very happy with it. Make great food with plently of room to spare.
Great Job Scott. I just recently bought a 22 1/2" WSM and I am loving it. I am from Texas, so I agree - offsets everywhere. My first smoker was an el cheapo brinkman offset, then a leave it and forget it electric. Then I finally got serious and bought the weber and haven't looked back ever since!!!

now that's maiden voyage ! nice going ! pretty brave of you to take on Briskette as its not that easy to master. But i'm sure the WSM made it easier for you.

