My first smoke on my new 22.5 WSM


Matt Gard

TVWBB All-Star
I just started my first smoke on my new 22.5WSM. UPS delivered it yesterday and I threw my first slab of ribs on at noon today. Prepared them slightly based on Harry Soo's recipe. I also rubbed them down with mustard prior to applying the rub. They are smoking with 3 chunks of apple wood and a few hickory chips. The pan is foiled and am using lump charcoal. It's about 20 degrees outside so we will see how they turn out in about 4 more hours.
As a fellow Hoosier I feel it is my duty to test eat a couple. I'll be standing by for directions.
Not impressed with lump charcoal so far. Temp has been kept in the 275 range. Started with a full ring and a fully lit chimney. 3 hrs in and the lump is almost depleted. Temp has fallen to 250 with two bottom vents all the way open and other closed. Top vent fully open. Just added some kings ford blue to the ring.
Not impressed with lump charcoal so far. Temp has been kept in the 275 range. Started with a full ring and a fully lit chimney. 3 hrs in and the lump is almost depleted. Temp has fallen to 250 with two bottom vents all the way open and other closed. Top vent fully open. Just added some kings ford blue to the ring.
Didnt have that problem with wicked good. Full unlit ring with several lit on top. Burned eight hours while doing a BB with plenty to spare. Temp 43 and wind N@10.
After three hours about to go into foil.

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I'm jealous I got my 22.5 for Xmas and I'm dying to try it out. After rolling out of be to outside temp at 6 degrees this morning I'm a bit discouraged. Hoping it warms up to the 40's this weekend so I can give it a go.

Nice looking ribs you've got there!!!
Here are the ribs after an hour in the foil

And here they are just off the WSM after letting the sauce set up for 10 min

I'd share a picture of the aftermath but you've all seen bare bones before. They came out a little too tender as the meat fell right off the bones while eating them. Tasted great though.
Next time I think I will cut down on the time in the foil to half an hour and I think I am going to try using Kingsford blue instead of royal oak lump. A full ring of lump was completely burned out before the cook was done and had to load in some kingsford. Temp never climbed above 290 and only dipped down to 225 when I opened the door to add more charcoal. Pretty satisfied for my first cook on the WSM. I smoked a few racks on my OTG kettle a few times and this was much easier. Next investment though will either be a stoker $$$ or a digiQ.
I'm jealous I got my 22.5 for Xmas and I'm dying to try it out. After rolling out of be to outside temp at 6 degrees this morning I'm a bit discouraged. Hoping it warms up to the 40's this weekend so I can give it a go.

Nice looking ribs you've got there!!!

My wife ordered mine for xmas as well. I'd have cooked on it the day Ups delivered it if I had the time to. I was hesitant to cook in the 20's but I think it turned out well.

