My first butts

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Jerry N.

TVWBB Emerald Member
I'm about two hours into my first butt cook. Got a two pack from Sam's that weighed in at about 15 pounds. I used the mustard directions from this site. I put the larger butt on the lower grate. Does it make sense to switch them mid cook? Do you need to turn butts over (flip them)? Do you measure the temp in both of them or if the one on top is done the bottom one will be too?

Bruce - If you read this, this is my second cook with the Kamado charcoal. My first was only a 9 hour brisket flat; not really a good use of the Kamado. Hope all is well with you.

Good to hear from you. When I cook two butts I always put the larger one on the top grate, I figure it's going to take a little longer to cook and the temp is higher on the top grate than the bottom. But you can switch them mid cook if you like.

Other than that I never touch my butts once they go on the cooker. I come up with an estimated cooking time and spray them with apple juice at the halves, and that's it.

Did several butts over the fourth using the Kamado and was very impressed with it's performance and it's longevity. Had quite a bit of useable charcoal left after the cook and very little ash. Great stuff.

Let me know how your butts turn out.
I always think I'm going to be ambitious and rotate the butts around during the cook. I haven't yet. When I check them at about half-way +/- they look so beautiful that I don't have the heart to disturb them.
I never turn mine, either...Never have, and they've always been great (well, except for that ash covered butt). If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Thanks. Temps seem pretty stable. I might switch them at the half way point, but given the advice and that they really were not too much different in size, I'll probably just end up letting them go til done. Great night for an all nighter her in Michigan. Full moon (blue), mild temps and no wind. Looks like the hardest part now is waiting to pull the pork! I'll post an update in the am.
Nothng happened overnight - a good thing. I've just finished pulling the pork and stuffing my face. Man - this stuff is good!!! We pulled out all the sauces we have and tried them on the pork. Sweet Baby Ray's is pretty good and the Buck Creek Raspberry is good also. Washed it down with some watermelon and ice tea. All good. Thanks to everyone on this board that in some way or another helped just by sharing advice and experiance. Now off to the easy chair to take a nap!!!
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