My CL find 18 incher, what do I do with it?

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J Boldt

TVWBB Super Fan
A continuation of this 18" woody

I bought a 1988, never used 18 incher for $20 on CL with no legs or charcoal grate. Now the debate, in my head starts. What do I do with it? Do I get legs and wheels and make it like a normal 18? Do I put in shorter legs and make it a custom SJP?

Here are some pics
Full view, had a film on it that cleaned off nicely with some elbow grease.

K 1988 model

3 of these

All the parts

Parts bag
pretty simple solution John....

call Weber and order legs and a charcoal grate don't foget the wheels....

why'd you buy it if you wouldn't complete it?
Well, Jim my debate was to either finish it or make it a large portable with short legs.

I looked at webers site and I can get the kit for $30, so add a $10 grate and I am in $60.

BTW, the name is Jeff not John
Hi Jeff, nice OTS! Just do whichever you would use the most. I love the look of 18's with short legs and I bet it would be super useful.
Funny, I thought it was a threewheeler. I guess it depends on the look you want. The short legs will be cheap to do, but the leg kit will make it complete. They really are both portable. I take my full height 18 with me all the time and just remove the legs.
I am leaning towards buying the leg kit, charcoal grate and then pimping it out with a craycort for be my sear station and add it to my collection in my signature. the wife might ask that I give up my 88 smokey Joe but we'll see.
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