My butcher is awesome

Wife and I started going to a butcher by our house for a little over a year now, and i dont know if we get special treatment or what but heres an example. When i grill steak, i get ribeye. Being a cook for 25 years i know how to ask for the good ones. So i said, " i want the best marbled ribeye you have" , the butcher says "oh, those are the butchers cuts and laughs." Another butcher overheard us talking and says," why dont we cut one fresh off the prime rib?" So they did that, and now everytime we get ribeye's, they cut them fresh for us. Its a very busy butcher shop and everything they serve is fresh, but fresh cut right in front of us you cant beat that. When i move out to indiana country, im sure gonna miss this butcher.
I was reading your narrative and getting all jealous for having such a great butcher shop close by. Then I choked when I saw the name. We have an R&R Quality Meats here too, the only show in town. It's OK, but definitely not performing at the level you describe.

