My 22.5 Double Stack



TVWBB Member
Some folks asked me to post pictures of my 22.5 double stack. Below is a picture I snapped this morning.

I put this thing together to support my deer sausage making habit mainly (I smoke summer sausage 50lb at a time and like to hang large roasts to make pastrami) but used it to smoke 12 pork butts for a wedding this summer and am planning to smoke 4 turkeys at 15 lbs each for Thanksgiving. I also plan to smoke a quarter of a hog (hang vertical) in it assuming I am successful on my bow hunt in Oklahoma this winter.

Enjoy and feel free to ask questions if you are planning a similar modification.

Nice, how do you like your compact mini chimney starter? Does it perform the same as the larger chimney?
The mini starter is great for minion method starting, just fill it up, light and pour on a ring full of coals. I really bought it for my smokey joe though, works good for that too.
:cool: --- I was asking for the photo and it looks great. And tall! Wow, how tall is this puppy?
I've done 8 butts on a 22, but doing 12? Man, THAT is cool. Thanks for the post...
looks heavy and tough to work with but pretty cool!

is there a reason why you couldnt just use them side by side to do the butts?
I have a spare center section and wonder how this would work for bigger loads of jerky? Would just need a new grate or two for it to work..
I have a spare center section and wonder how this would work for bigger loads of jerky? Would just need a new grate or two for it to work..

Yup, that was the deal for me... had the spare center, had to buy a door and two grates. On a side note I bought two 21.5" grates for the replacement. The 21.5" grates fit in the lower section fine, they just fit on the bolts and not the support straps.

