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David Funk

TVWBB Member
I am confused.

I have noticed a few recipes here that use MSG. Years ago, I thought MSG got branded as a "bad chemical" that shouldn't be put it food. Even today, I see restaurants proudly proclaim "No MSG!".

So is MSG okay to use? Why is it used (what does it contribute)?

- Dave -
Thanks Chris.

That link certainly does have a lot of MSG discussion on it - which helped me. I think I will not use it and see what happens...

- Dave -
David, here's a link to what the FDA has to say about MSG.

Part of the problem with MSG stems, I believe, from a misunderstanding of what it is. I've heard some people say it leaves a "chemical taste" in their mouths.

That from something made from "sugar beets, sugar cane, or molasses."

I assume that as with almost any food product, some people can have allergic reactions to MSG.

FDA Paper on MSG
A quick survey of the commercial BBQ rubs I have in my pantry (and I have a bunch -- it's fun to try and reverse engineer them!) reveals that OVER HALF of them have MSG in them. And I've used them all and nobody I've served food to ever had a reaction.

That being said, when I make my own rubs I do not add MSG.

Perhaps I should start!
What do they say, "everything in moderation?". I always like to add a little Accent to my meat, and especially pork. Not too much, but just a bit makes a big difference in my experiences.
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