Mother's day cook

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Jim Babek

As I said I am doing a bone in pork butt for mothers day, we're actually having dinner on Saturday. New to Q'ing Im looking for comments and/or suggestions from others here as to my plan of attack.

The butt is a fresh 8.22 lb untrimmed bone in. Im basically following the article on the front of the site ie. slathering with yellow mustard and putting my own rub on it tonight, pop it back in the fridge. About 11 pm friday fire up the smoker, another good dusting of rub and on for what Im figuring will be a 14-16 hr cook at 250 degrees. Once at 190 internal I will pull, double wrap in foil and towels and put in a cooler for about an hour. Hopefull pull and eat.

I also wanted to throw on a rack of ribs for good measure but question how long into the cook I should but them on.

I will be basting with Smokin Okies Vinegar Mop of 2 cups cider vinegar, .5 cup brown sugar, 2 Tbsp sea salt, 1 Tbsp crushed red pepper, and 1 tsp paprika.

As for sauces I think one mustard base and one vinegar based.

Since you haven't gotten any comments yet...... Your plan looks pretty good. If my math is right, you have built some extra time into the schedule so that you are likely to be done early, but if things are slower than expected, you'll be ok.

The only thing I can think of is make sure you keep an eye on your water pan. If you have the stock pan, you'll need to refill. If you have the Brinkman, you should be ok. I goofed on an overnighter and used the wrong pan recently....woke up to 370 dome and a crispy piece of pork butt!!

Best of luck.

To be safe, you're going to need to allow more than 14-16 hours for the cook. It's possible it could be done in that time, but probably more likely that it'll need more time.

Allow 20 hours for the cook. You may need all that time. If not, butts are real easy to keep warm - just wrap in foil & a towel, put in a cooler, and pull when dinner time comes around.

My suggestion would be to fire up your smoker earlier than 11 p.m. It needs to be stable before you go to bed and this can take several hours. If you started at 8 or 9 you're not likely to be done before noon to 2 and you'll have no problem foiling and holding till you're ready to pull.

Good luck.


It sounds great. Like Paul, I might start it a little earlier. Also, might take it to a higher temp before I pull it. 195-200. Remember what it looks like when you pull it off the WSM to compare with your next cook. Should kind of have a "deflated" look to it.

I usually like to pull the pork almost immediately after smoking, and then serve it in a crockpot (anathama to some, I know). Keeps it nice and warm though, and it doesn't dry out.
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