morning briskit smoke first time pics


Dan H.

gimmi a sec to figure this out... i'll be back. my rubbed briskit is here Its freakin cold this morning, so i used no heat sinks, etc. fired up HALF chimney fully lit (Royal Oak) and dumped it on a ring of RO laced with Kingsford on the bottom, like it or not (i dont love it) that stuff burns better, longer
so apparently a half wasnt enough to get my up to my temp! so I (i learned this last winter and yes, it really does work somehow, it reflects enough heat back i guess. wrapped it up with foil, lol. in ten minutes it was 242 and
i've always enjoyed the hell out of all your guys's photos so I FINALLY am sharing some of mine w/ the help of my girl (the computer smart one) so heres a few more pics
pissed off rosemary
R2D2 after a rough night of drinking (my cheap smokin jacket)
almost ready to go
my setup
and here
be back tonight with more when shes all done, enjoy!! and thank you all for YOUR photos ive enjoyed so much! this was fun. oh ya and hickory and cherry smoke today.
Nice looking brisket Dan. You going high or low heat on that baby? How's the weather in CO? Looking forward to pictures of your progress.
cookin it low Larry, around 250 right now, it seems happy there. its cold! funny lookin' packer huh?
Lookin good Dan. I gotta bug my kid to help the old man post his photos, so don't feel so bad. Also that stonework on your retaining wall caught my eye, NICE!! way better than exposed crete.
gettin awfully close! temp is in the low 180's and shes lookin good! probably less then an hour but you never know, Larry and I should be eatin happy tonight!
hows the pork and beer?! im drinking one of these. you may recognize it cause its from your stompin ground (California) dont know where i got it, or when, but it was in the beer fridge in the basment and theres two more I cant pronounce, they better watch it or there next.
Yes Dan, eating very well tonight. It's just the SO, our 7 yo and myself eating tonight but I'm packaging the leftovers (a lot) in vac seal bags as my kids are coming over the holidays and my son loves pulled pork so I wanted to have plenty around for him.

Corona's are going down quite nicely thank you. Just pulled my butts off and foiled them. Will be eating in an hour.

How's your brisket looking?
Hi Dan...where in CO do you live? Doesn't look like the big city.

I lived in Durango for 3 years and miss it badly.

A beautiful town with wonderful people.
mornin' jeff, i live on the western slope near Delta. I love Durango as well.

Was so late last night I didn't even take pics when finished ,my "one hour left" turned into almost 4 1/2. K so this stumps the hell out of me... I'de like to type the ussuall "it was good, tender, bla bla
" but it was weird. that last pic i took was 180's then it stalled and dropped as I stated, no prob, lots of beers and waited, and checked every half hour or slightly more. It made it back into the 180's and started to feel like it was comin' around, like ussuall, what I would expect. and yes I judge by tender, I just watch the therm also to kind of know whats happening, I ussually do, anyway, its already out there so why not. Here's the catch, never had this happen before, never hits tender...not anymore then the first time it hit 183 or 184 (cant remember which) so i've been on this site enough to know to be patient, .....ok well I WONT DO THIS AGAIN. two therms i own say the internal is 207 and another says 205, but that one is always behind anyway. I'm tired and hungry and besides its starting to become obvious its overcooking, less juices, never got that "wiggle" to it. It was edible but def. not to my standards, but i've made worse. Sections of the flat (mostly the part under the point) were "pot roasty" and the last two inches of the very end (thinist part of the flat) were nearly unedible. oh well cant win em all, just funny how my process ussually works well and i dont change a thing, goes to show with these you never know. If I could go back in time i'de pull it at the second 185, that was about an hour and a half past the last picture I posted. I think it would have been grand if i would have. At that point when i'de "needle" it juice would fly out and it was reasonably tender feeling w/ a slight wiggle. With a rest of maybe 1 or 1 1/2 hours instead of 30-45, I think I would have liked it a lot. I learned something new though and thats good. maybe when doing these lower temp, they may not always feel like "butter" but maybe like poking through four or five layers of paper towels instead, LOL! This is the first experience i've had like this (of course it had to be the one i was stoked about, and posted about). I've cooked a load of these so hope this makes you all feel better, lol it happens, my girl thought it was great but I know better.
Dan, I don't see where you mention how big the brisket was. If I had to guess looked around 12/13 pounds, is that about right? So what time did she finish last night. What do you do with the point?

