Mixing woods

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John Bergan

TVWBB Member
Is there any advantage or disadvantage to using a few different woods at the same time, i.e. 1/2 apple and /12 hickory?

Would the hickory overpower the apple, or would the apple mellow out the hickory?

Maybe I need to buy a second WSM so I can do side by side comparisons /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
Hickory is strong, apple is mellow. I like apple and oak. Hickory is not readily available where I live. Half the fun is tinkering around with all the variables (rub, temp, sauce, wood, etc.) to find a combination you like. The other half is eating the finished product. Hickory and apple would probably be a really good combination.
Hey John, I hear these side by side test's are the way to go. Nothing like a good sacrifice for beer and science.
Dave /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
I like to mix hickory with other woods to cut the strength of the hickory--it's too strong to use by itself for my personal taste. A 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of oak, apple, cherry, etc. to hickory is a good starting point.

I've also mixed other woods like apple and cherry, but I can't tell a big difference versus using just one or the other.

No disadvatages of mixing woods, to my knowledge.

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